
Keep your privacy secured

ABOUT PrivDefender

car plates blurring

Human face blurring and car plates blurring are used to protect the privacy and identity of people who appear in public or private places. Just as some object detection researches sometimes may capture incidental people in their images but the attendance can violate their privacy. Anavision AI model automatically detects and applies mask on human face and vehicle number plates in images with choice of blurring method. A moving object segmentation algorithm supports real-time analysis of the moving objects in the realistic output image. This technology can help to protect the privacy and identity of individuals and comply with the data protection regulations.

WHY PrivDefender

Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) Cursor Standart 004d73

Accurate Target

Detection and burring accuracy up tp 95% for spherical JPEG images

Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) Hourglass 004d73

Instant Action

Blurring while detecting multiple human faces and car plates in a single image

Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) Diskette 004d73

Perpetual License

Perpetual license per computer with no use and processing limit
adapts to large volume of data

Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) Thunderbolt Oneside Narrowed 004d73

Fast Blurring

Support heavy duty blurring task to blur more than 200,000 images in 8 hours given image ratio and resolution

WHAT PrivDefender OFFER

Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) 16 9 face blur 2560 1416

Human Face Blurring 

Through extensive prior work of human face annotation, Anavision’s computer vision analysis will automatically process the detected images to blur human faces in the dynamic street-view circumstance with high precision. 

Car Plates Blurring

Real-time detection and blurring of car pates. Fast and accurate recognition of car plates in a static or driving mode and from different angles. 

Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) cropped spherical image car plates
Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) imaetype 1

Support Various Image Types

System supports different angles, sources and environments. We support various image types such as dash cams, spherical images, and planar images. 

User Interface

Software supports high volume image selection and processing. The processing speed up to 8-10 images per planar image.  Users can easily shift the blurring mode to solid or mosaic and choose the image type they want to be detected. A software demonstration will be provided.
Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) user interface 2560 1122


Human Faces and Car Plates Blurring (PrivDefender) privDefender Brochure removebg preview



Face and Car Plates Blurring Brochure

A smart AI-based data analytics tool for real-time object segmentation

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